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Virtual Exhibitions

Our virtual exhibition "Reception and Reinvention: Old Norse in Time and Space" is now available online. I had a great pleasure to develop the Writing Histories exhibition and together with Dale Kedwards the Paired Objects exhibition.

The Writing Histories exhibition explores the beginnings of the scholarly reception of Old Norse-Icelandic literature in Denmark in the seventeenth century, when the authority of Saxo Grammaticus and his Gesta Danorum became increasingly challenged by the rediscovery of Old Norse-Icelandic sources. With this scholarly rediscovery previously forgotten sagas gained new life as they were revitalised or reinvented by early modern antiquarians.

The Paired Objects exhibition presents a gallery of paired objects from the Museum of National Historyat Frederiksborg Castle in Denmark, and theNational Museum of Iceland. By pairing items between these two collections, we explore the relationships between medieval traditions and the later artworks they inspired.

I hope these exhibitions can reach broad non-academic audiences and be used in the classroom as an introduction to the subject of the Old Norse Reception.

These exhibitions are a part of the collaboration – funded by the Carlsberg Foundation

– between Det Nationalhistoriske Museum på Frederiksborg Slot, Stofnun Vigdísar Finnbogadóttur í erlendum tungumálum Háskóla Íslands, and Þjóðminjasafn Íslands.


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