Publication: When a King of Norway Became a King of Russia
New publication is open access is out: “When a King of Norway Became a King of Russia: Danish Historiography and Early Transmission and...
Publication: When a King of Norway Became a King of Russia
Publication: From Oral Prosimetrum to Viking Metal
Publications: Hrómundur in Gripla and Opuscula
Publication: Afterlife of a lost saga
Public lecture: Katowice
Conference: Networks of Manuscripts, Networks of Texts
Public lecture: Centre for Medieval Studies
Public lecture: Selskab for Nordisk Filologi
Publication: Multispectral analysis of an Icelandic saga manuscript
Conference: Sessions on Materiality of Manuscripts at IMC 2019
Conference: Kalamazoo 2019
Conference: Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America
Seminar: Perspectives on textual scholarship and editorial practice