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Kapitan, Katarzyna AnnaZ mieczem na wiec. Konflikt i metody jego rozwiązywania w wybranych sagach islandzkich (Wrocław: Chronicon, 2012), the book is currently out of print, contact me for a copy.

Books as editor

Kapitan, Katarzyna Anna, Stegmann B and Vrieland S (eds), From text to artefact: Studies in honour of Anne Mette Hansen (Leeds: Kısmet Press, 2019), open access version available here.​

Kapitan, Katarzyna AnnaLeslie-Jacobsen HF, Murphy LJ, Nygaard S, Rogers B, Selected presentations from the network of early career researchers in Old Norse (2017–2019) (Aarhus: AU Library Scholarly Publishing Services, 2020), open access version available here.

Peer-reviewed articles and book chapters
  • Kapitan, Katarzyna Anna and Tarrin Wills, 'Sagas and genre: A case for application of network analysis to manuscripts preserving Old Norse-Icelandic saga literature' Digital Scholarship in the Humanities (2023). DOI: 10.1093/llc/fqad013 [Open Access].

  • Kapitan, Katarzyna Anna and Lavender, Philip, “The Prose Summary as Antiquarian Tool and Literary Springboard: An Edition and Translation of Ormars þáttur Framarsonar.” Opuscula 20 (2022), pp. 101-160 [Open Access]

  • Kapitan, Katarzyna Anna, “When a King of Norway Became a King of Russia: Danish Historiography and Early Transmission and Reception of Hrómundar saga Greipssonar.” Scandinavian Studies 94:3 (2022), pp. 316-351 [Open Access].

  • Kestemont, Mike, Karsdorp, Folgert, de Bruijn, Elisabeth, Driscoll, Matthew, Kapitan, Katarzyna Anna, Ó Macháin, Pádraig, Sawyer, Daniel, Sleiderink, Remco, Chao, Anne, “Forgotten books: the application of unseen species models to the survival of culture.” Science 375:6582 (2022), pp. 765-769 [doi] [video] [website].

  • Kapitan, Katarzyna Anna, “From Oral Prosimetrum to Viking Metal.” ARV - Nordic Yearbook of Folklore 77 (2021), pp. 33-56 [Open Access].

  • Kapitan, Katarzyna Anna, “Perspectives on Digital Catalogs and Textual Networks of Old Norse literature.” Manuscript Studies: A Journal of the Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies 6:1 (2021), pp. 74-97 [Open Access].

  • Kapitan, Katarzyna Anna, “Hrómundur in prose and verse: On the relationships between four versions of the story of Hrómundur Greipsson.” Gripla 32 (2021), pp. 257–288 [Open Access].

  • Kapitan, Katarzyna Anna, “Afterlife of a lost saga: A hitherto unknown adaptation of the lost saga of Hrómundur Gripsson.” Saga-Book 45 (2021), pp. 59-90 [Open Access].

  • Kapitan, Katarzyna Anna“Dating paper manuscripts based on watermarks: A case study of selected nineteenth-century Icelandic manuscripts.” Care and conservation 17 (2021), pp. 15-26 [Open Access].

  • Kapitan, Katarzyna Anna“Manuscripts derived from printed editions in the transmission history of Hrómundar saga Greipssonar.” Hidden Harmonies: Manuscript and print on the North Atlantic fringe, 1500-1900, edited by M. J. Driscoll and Nioclás Mac Cathmhaoil (Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum 2021), pp. 79–114 [Open Access].​​

  • Kapitan, Katarzyna Anna“Medieval Poetry in Post-medieval Manuscripts: New Perspectives on the Transmission History of Griplur.” Scripta Islandica 71 (2020), pp. 51–98 [Open Access].

  • Kapitan, Katarzyna Anna, “Between truth and fiction, or historiæ mediæ, sive vero falsoque mixtæ: Legendary sagas and their reception in eighteenth-century Denmark.” Arkiv för Nordisk Filologi 134 (2019), pp. 103–29 [Open Access].

  • Kapitan, Katarzyna Anna“A Danish collection of Old Norse sagas: Material-philological and textual studies of Acc. 61.” From text to artefact: Studies in honour of Anne Mette Hansen, ed. Katarzyna Anna Kapitan, Beeke Stegmann & Seán Vrieland (Leeds, 2019), pp. 39–46 [Open Access].

  • Kapitan, Katarzyna Anna, and Stegmann, Beeke, “Writing, correcting and annotating AM 601 b 4to: Material and multispectral analysis.” Opuscula 17 (2019): pp.  129–49 [Open Access].

  • Kapitan, Katarzyna Anna“Dating of AM 162 B alpha fol, a fragment of Brennu-Njáls saga.” Opuscula 16 (2018): pp. 217–43 [Open Access].

  • McDonald Werronen, Sheryl and Kapitan, Katarzyna Anna“An Edition of Ambrósíus saga og Rósamunda based on BL Add. 24 969.” Opuscula 16 (2018):  pp. 179-215 [Open Access].

  • Kapitan, Katarzyna Anna,“A choice of relationship-revealing variants for a cladistic analysis of Old Norse texts: some methodological considerations.” Digital Humanities Symposium Proceedings (2017): pp. 52–74 [Open Access].

  • Kapitan, Katarzyna Anna,Hefnd w społeczeństwie islandzkim wczesnego średniowiecza.” Meandry Historii. Starożytność, Średniowiecze, Nowożytność, Anna Kubica og Łukasz Jończyk (eds.) (Kraków, 2013): pp. 26476.

  • Kapitan, Katarzyna AnnaModel wczesnośredniowiecznej rodziny islandzkiej, przedstawiony w wybranych sagach rodowych. Instytucja rodziny wczoraj i dziś. Perspektywa interdyscyplinarna 2, Społeczeństwo i kultura, J.K. Stępkowska og K.M. Stępkowska (eds.) (Lublin, 2012): pp. 12127.

Book reviews
  • “Review of Dansk Editionshistorie edited by J. Kondrup et al.” Saga-Book 47 (2023, forthcoming).

  • “Review of The Legendary Legacy: Transmission and reception of the Fornaldarsögur Norðurlanda, edited by M.J. Driscoll et al.” Saga-Book 43 (2019), pp. 194–6.

  • “Review of Long Lives of Short Sagas: The Irrepressibility of Narrative and the Case of Illuga saga Gríðarfóstra, by P. Lavender.” Saga-Book 44 (2020), pp. 198–200.

Outreach and Dissemination 
Virtual Exhibition: Reception and Reinvention: Old Norse in Time & Space
  • The Writing Histories Exhibition 
    This exhibition explores the beginnings of the scholarly reception of Old Norse-Icelandic literature in Denmark in the seventeenth century, when the authority of Saxo Grammaticus and his Gesta Danorum became increasingly challenged by the rediscovery of Old Norse-Icelandic sources. With this scholarly rediscovery previously forgotten sagas gained new life as they were revitalised or reinvented by early modern antiquarians.​

  • ​​​​The Paired Objects Exhibition (with Dale Kedwards)
    This exhibition presents a gallery of paired objects from the Museum of National History at Frederiksborg Castle in Denmark, and the National Museum of Iceland. By pairing items between these two collections, we explore the relationships between medieval traditions and the later artworks they inspired.

Blog posts, published conference abstracts, etc.

Digital edition
Unpublished theses
  • PhD thesis in Nordic Studies: “Studies in the transmission history of Hrómundar saga Greipssonar,” University of Copenhagen (2018).

  • MA dissertation in Medieval Icelandic Studies: “Njáls saga in AM 162 B alpha fol. An analysis and edition,” University of Iceland (2014).

  • MA dissertation in Archaeology: “Problem wpływów skandynawskich na ziemie polskie w zakresie obrządku pogrzebowego we wczesnym średniowieczu” (Eng. 'Scandinavian influences on the burial customs in Polish territory in the early medieval period'), University of Wrocław (2012).

  • MA dissertation in History: “Konflikt i metody jego rozwiązywania w społeczeństwie islandzkim wczesnego średniowiecza, na przykładzie Sagi Rodu z Laxdalu, Sagi o Egilu i Sagi o Gunnlaugu Wężowym Języku” (Eng. 'Conflict and methods of its resolution in the medieval Icelandic society, as illustrated in Laxdæla saga, Egils saga, and Gunnlaugs saga'), University of Wrocław (2011).

  • BA dissertation in History: Zemsta rodowa oraz główszczyzna w społeczeństwie skandynawskim wczesnego średniowiecza (Eng. 'Blood Feud and Wergild in early medieval Scandinavian society'), University of Zielona Góra (2009).

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