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Publication: When a King of Norway Became a King of Russia
New publication is open access is out: “When a King of Norway Became a King of Russia: Danish Historiography and Early Transmission and...
Publication: From Oral Prosimetrum to Viking Metal
The latest issue of ARV - Nordic Yearbook of Folklore contains my short piece on the very long transmission and adaptation history of the...
Publications: Hrómundur in Gripla and Opuscula
Christmas came early this year with two of my articles on the transmission history of Hrómundar saga appearing in print in Gripla and in...
Public lecture: Katowice
Today, on the 29th of April, I had an immense pleasure to deliver a guest lecture on the topic of transmission and reception of Old Norse...
Virtual Exhibitions
Our virtual exhibition "Reception and Reinvention: Old Norse in Time and Space" is now available online. I had a great pleasure to...
Virtual Seminar of the HM Queen Margrethe II Distinguished Research Project on the Danish-Icelandic
Virtual Seminar of the HM Queen Margrethe II Distinguished Research Project on the Danish-Icelandic Reception of Nordic Antiquity We are...
Publication: Revising Danish royal genealogies Anno 1664
Since the time of Saxo Grammaticus and his monumental Gesta Danorum, Danish royal lineage was traced back to the legendary ruler named...
Publication: Between truth and fiction
The newest issue of Arkiv för nordisk filologi contains several interesting articles and I am especially thrilled to see the first...
Conference: Sessions on “Borders of Reception” at IMC 2020
Two sessions on "Borders of Reception" sponsored by H.M. Queen Margrethe II Distinguished Research Project on the Danish-Icelandic...
Public lecture: Centre for Medieval Studies
On 14 Novembe 2019, I will present my current post-doctoral project "Writing (hi)stories" in the lecture series of the University of...
Workshop: NECRON 2019
NECRON workshop 2019 took place in Bergen (Norway) on 29-30 October 2019. This year’s theme was “Communication and Dissemination for...
Call for Papers: Borders of Reception
In line with the special thematic strand of the International Medieval Congress 2019, Borders, and within the sub-strand Disciplinary...
Conference: Sessions on Materiality of Manuscripts at IMC 2019
During the IMC 2019, together with N. Kıvılcım Yavuz I organised four sessions on Materiality of Manuscripts featuring sixteen papers....
HM Queen Margrethe II Distinguished Research Project
I am honored to announce that I was awarded a postdoctoral fellowship HM Queen Margrethe II Distinguished Research Project on the...
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