Last Friday, 3 May 2024, at the Taylorian, we officially launched my digital editions of three versions of an Old Norse-Icelandic saga, Hrómundar saga Greipssonar, in the Taylor Editions series, and released an open access study of the saga’s transmission history, Lost but not forgotten: The saga of Hrómundur and its manuscript transmission.
The book launch was accompanied by an opening of an exhibition of books on Old Norse-Icelandic language and literature held at the Taylorian, which will be on display until 10 May in the Voltaire Room. Hurry up to give it a look!
Huge thanks to everyone who came to celebrate with us!
The digital editions of Hrómundar saga are available here:
The 17th-cent version:
The 18th-cent version:
The 19th-cent version:
The open access study can be accessed here:
Copies of the book can be ordered, for example, here:
More about the exhibition here: